Sacramento County Domestic Violence - Upload & Share PowerPoint.
County Probation Department and are not included on this list. Please contact. Management Group, Family Violence Education, and Individual Counseling Spanish.
Each link below provides a list of county-specific contacts. Domestic Violence Victim/Prevention Services Sexual Violence (Rape) Victim/Prevention Services ... referrals to battered women’s program and batterers.. for battered women and children; support groups. Serves Placer County residents eligible for Drug Court or.
Violence Prevention Resource Directory - California Department of.
Sacramento County straightforward community mental. individual and group counseling for victims; bilingual. management/batterers treatment. SACRAMENTO SUPERIOR COURT ANGER MANAGEMENT SERVICES June 6, 2012 AGENCY - Placer Union High School District
Placer county batterers group Kansas Mothers For Custodial Justice: Family Court Therapist.