Enhancement Shaman Hit Rating -- WoW Insider Enhance; Resto; Rogue. Assassination; Combat; Subtlety; Hunter. Hit Chance (Up to 8%): MH Weapon DPS: Hit Chance (Up to. All stat ratings and gear rankings are now based on the. Shaman: Enhancement - Elitist Jerks Flametongue has become much more viable due to the merging of Hit and Crit rating into a universal rating.. function can be found here, [Enhancement] Rawr.Enhance.
... we know why we should be hit capped then how do we get there and how much hit rating. DPS spots, it's important that a raid realize the potential an ele shammy.
Elemental Shamans and the Hit Cap | The Shaman Tavern - WoW.
Posts with tag enhancement shaman hit rating. Much like the past two expansions, enhancement shaman gearing in Cataclysm is a.